Monday, August 23, 2010
Constitutional Rites
I find it astounding, though not surprising, that the same voices raised over and over decrying the destruction of our constitution are now the loudest in the choir calling for it's utter dissolution. First Amendment: that means If I say something you disagree with and you decide to change the station you are denying my First Amendment Rights. On the other hand if you decide to build a church somewhere I don't like I should be able to stop you from building it because the First Amendment only applies to religions we approve of. There were Catholic priests butt****ing little boys all over America but I never heard any suggestions that we tear down all Catholic Churches near schools! And speaking of First Amendment, how about that WikiLeaks guy? Off With His Head!!!! His leaks may, I repeat MAY, have endangered some poor Iraqui or Afghanan informer. Now the fact that George and Dick and their cronies started an illegal war that resulted directly in the deaths of 4,500 American Troops and well over half a million innocent civilians, that is not open for discussion. Some poor sap lies to Congress about using steroids and it's off to prison with him.. Meanwhile, in Iraq, Billions of our dollars and hundreds of our lives continue to be lost and nobody is held accountable. The War is over? There are more American troops and civilian mercenaries in Iraq now than there were in 2005! I'm so tired and disgusted I won't go into the 14th, 4th, 5th and 9th Amendments that the Republican Party is also ready to flush down the crapper, Republican members of the current Congress have submitted 42 Amendments to the Constitution they profess to love so much. FORTY-TWO proposed Amendments in EIGHTEEN MONTHS. They love the Constitution so much they want to write a new one every week I guess. I just want to know what happened to my Grampa's Republican Party? I think the problem is the Tea Party: add "T" to Republican and you get a Republican't, all full of things we CAN'T do. We CAN'T reform healthcare, we CAN'T regulate Wall Street and the Banksters, we CAN'T do comprehensive Immigration Reform, we CAN'T regulate offshore drilling, we CAN'T control global warming, we CAN'T tax the Rich: Well, I believe what has made us a great Nation is our CAN Do attitude. We CAN display tolerance in all aspects of life, religious, sexual and political, we CAN break Big Oil's stranglehold on our future, we CAN regulate our financial markets so ALL AMERICANS benefit, we CAN be once again the "Shining City on the Hill", the finest example of Freedom and Liberty and Justice for All in the World. We CAN DO all these things but will we? All I can say is what I said in 2000-If we really want Justice and Liberty it is within our grasp, we can grab it or we can flush it. I've got mine, I'm old and ready to die, you really cannot harm me so to some extent I just don't care. Come November 2nd you have important choices to make, you can choose among candidates and vote or you can choose not to vote, either way we will get just what we deserve.
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