While attending the Senate hearing on repeal of the medical marijuana law I had a sudden epiphany. I now realize where a whole lot of the tension and misunderstanding comes from now. Some of the people we elect to represent our interest in Government seem to think they are elected as Rulers and not as servants of the People that are indeed the rulers in this equation. Even the Governor is elected to be Leader and leaders by definition must have the assent of his followers-if they lose faith they cease to follow. At several points in our Constitution we spell out the concept that the citizen is Supreme, the State's interest ends where the boundary of my body begins-hence our right to privacy. The State has no compelling interest in how I treat my body. If I choose to drink caustic soda I have a perfect right to do so, and many people do every year. Regardless of the deaths and injuries lye continues to be sold. I have a perfect right to eat 300 sleeping pills and many people do, year after year, causing many deaths and injuries, and yet, they continue to be sold. Why it is that this simple plant stirs up such commotion is very simple and was on display at the hearings. If I didn't know any better I would think a bunch of people were reading off of some kind of talking points list: Proponents of Repeal kept referring to the Red, White and Blue Medical Marijuana Registration Card as the "Green Card" thereby blowing a Dog Whistle for the Tea-bagger Racist elements that passed marijuana prohibition in the first place. I am not an immigrant and have never held a "green card", indeed MY family has lived here for around 28,000 years and was using this and other psychoactive substances long before European man had quit soiling himself and put on clothes. My people had an advanced culture that lived in Peace and Prosperity for well over a thousand years while your's turned on itself at every opportunity. My God is a Woman who gives, loves and nurtures us, while yours is a Man, mean and vindictive, who kills and destroys, who rules through Fear and Hate. It is no wonder our societies are so different.
I guess if any one good thing has come from these probably failed attempts, it will be that the young people in Montana will realize how important it is to show up at the Voting Booth even when there is no issue or candidate to excite you. It is the people who lie, cheat and steal to get elected so that they can Rule that we really need to worry about and they always come with mouths full of honey, dressed in the garb of a saint. Power corrupts, and judging from attitudes on display in Helena, this is one old homily that will never be proven false, even a little power seems to corrupt a little. In 2012 young folks will have their chance to get out and elect representatives who do understand, as one young lady told them, You're Not the Boss of Me!
I guess if any one good thing has come from these probably failed attempts, it will be that the young people in Montana will realize how important it is to show up at the Voting Booth even when there is no issue or candidate to excite you. It is the people who lie, cheat and steal to get elected so that they can Rule that we really need to worry about and they always come with mouths full of honey, dressed in the garb of a saint. Power corrupts, and judging from attitudes on display in Helena, this is one old homily that will never be proven false, even a little power seems to corrupt a little. In 2012 young folks will have their chance to get out and elect representatives who do understand, as one young lady told them, You're Not the Boss of Me!