Well, we see finally, around the world, masses of young people coming out with bellies full of fire, ready at last to give the boot to the gangs of Fat ass old rich white men who think they own the World. I was one of the fools who went to the streets and got my head busted fighting for the right to vote for the leaders who were sending me and my friends around the world to die in some mis-begotten Police Action and have asked myself many times since then why I bothered. Today I know why I bothered. If 20% of voters between 18 and 21 just come out and VOTE we can throw these old fat bastards out on their ear! Take away voter approved Medical Marijuana and piss us off so bad that when we put another initiative on the ballot we will just go ahead and Legalize It! In Total! So, all you kids out there WAKE UP!! and take your future in hand before you find yourself doomed to a life of working 80 hour weeks for $2/hour till you are 80 because that's what the fat bastards have in mind for you, make no mistake about it!