I swear if I hear one more Politician or Media Mouthpiece talk about "shared sacrifice" I'm going to puke. The only sharing going on here is the spoils of war between the Banksters and Wall Street while the Media, bought and paid for by the schemers splitting the loot shares the blame between brown people and union thug second grade teachers and old people demanding their checks. You know there is nothing wrong with Social Security:the $2.6 Trillion dollar surplus now will grow to a $4.7 Trillion dollar surplus before the last Baby Boomer retires, They always talk about how many of us will be retiring soon but fail to mention the fact that most of us have been paying in for a long time(I brought home my first paycheck when I was 14-Boner, don't tell me about sweeping your daddy's floors, I was herding and weathering sheep!) and many, many of us will not live long enough to collect many benefits-near 30% of my close friends are deceased already and I'm only 60.The Union Pension were paid for long ago in deferred wages and a 5 minute drive through the staff parking lot at your nearest school will tell you volumes about the posh lifestyle of our teachers. Now the Republican party seems to share a couple million pink slips with the middle class thinking they will be so sad being unemployed they will blame Obama for forcing them to make all these draconian cuts, after all he started this depression we are in!