I just watched the first night of Dem Convention and found it a real upbeat evening with some incredible speakers. The diversity on stage as well as in the crowd was remarkable and it was nice to hear some ideas to match the ideals instead of a lot of platitudes and talking points. It was a tossup for second place but the First Lady owned the evening. "success is not judged by how much you made but what difference you made" and "after opportunity has opened a door for you it's not right to slam it shut behind you" are two gems I will teach my grandchildren when I tell them about President Obama, our first multi-racial President and the best Moderate republican President since Ike! The canard "are you better off?" was laid to rest with Bin Laden and the Operation Iraqui Liberation. uh, Iraqui Freedom they decided, OIL just looked bad. Yes, there is room for improvement, but Romney will only negate what hard fought Progress we have made. In a second term the obstructionist Congress will have no choice but to put America's interest first if they want to be re-elected. Infrastructure has never been a political football, a bridge is not Republican or Democrat, it's just a bridge, open to all who wish to cross. (well, there is that "bridge to nowhere") Highways aren't for conservatives or liberals, they're for travelers and trucks and tourists. Whether you buy into Global Warming or not clean air and safe water are for all of us-there is no sense in leaving our kids a balanced checkbook if they have to read it in a canoe wearing a gas mask! Our addiction to fossil fuel is our number one National Security threat. First of all we must maintain expensive military presence around the world to protect "our" resources, creating unrest and terrorism. Secondly, our supply is subject to sudden restriction and fluctuations in price that can have catastrophic effects on our economy. Third, and this is from a Pentagon White Paper, Global Climate Change caused by our fossil fuel use was the greatest long term threat we faced and presents the possibility of an extinction level event as a distinct threat. Democrats seem to be the only ones who actually do "listen to our Generals". (also displayed by the retirement of DODT) Last but not least is healthcare, women's and men's but especially matters of choice-Mitt and company want to return to the screwed up rip-off Insurance Corporation ruled mess we had before Obamacare. Really? Lifetime limits, being a woman is a pre-existing condition, CEO billionaire bonuses and Rates that seem to go up weekly. No Thank You. Yeah, this is the Democratic Party we need in charge.